Contents of Volume 9 Number 2 April – June 2019
Obstructive Sleep Disorders in Children
Original Scientific Articles
Subjective Self-assessment of Voice Handicap and Video-laryngoscopic Findings: a Comparative Study of Teaching and Non-teaching Staff in Nigerian Schools.
Idris SO, Segun-Busari S, Alabi BS, Ologe FE.
Comparative Study of Retrobulbar Hemodynamics in Hypertensives with Retinopathy and Hypertensives without Retinopathy in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Adenigba P.T, Adekanmi A.J, Ogun O.A.
Exploring Learning at a Weekly Caesarean Section Meeting.
Ogueh O.
Evaluation of treatment outcomes of cracked posterior teeth.
Ogundare T.O, Ajayi D.M, Idon P.I, Bamise C.T, Oginni A.O, Esan T.A.
Post-operative Analgesic and Opioid-sparing Effect of a Single Dose Pre-operative Oral Pregabalin in Gynaecological Surgeries.
Acute Gastric Volvulus on Mixed Hiatus Hernia: a Case Report in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Zaré C, Belemlilga GLH, Tankoano AI, Yabré N, Kéita N, Guibla I, Traoré IA, Nikièma Z.
Unilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa in a Nigerian Male.
Abdull MM, Olawoye O, Kyari F, Ani PO, Oworu O.
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