Department of Surgery, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria.
E-mail: jidexyseg@yahoo.co.uk
Grant support: None
Conflict of Interest: None
Background: Endourology has revolutionized urological practices worldwide. This is not so in many urological centers in the West African sub-region. Although, some centers have made progress in the level of urological services that they offer; many of such centers provide rigid urethrocystoscopy services and only a few centers provide flexible urethrocystoscopy services. Flexible urethrocystoscopy has the advantage of being convenient as daycare procedure with no requirement for invasive forms of anaesthesia or the need for lithotomy position. In addition, skill transfer and acquisition is good.
Aim & Objectives: We present our 2 year experience with outpatient flexible cystoscopy at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin. Patients & Methods: A review of the records of patients who had flexible cystoscopy at our outpatient endoscopy unit over a 2 year period was carried out.
Results: There were 39 patients (36 males and 3 females) with the age range of 25 -84 years and a mean of 58.5 years. The indications were both diagnostic and therapeutic. All the procedures were done under topical anesthesia. There were no complications noted. Consultants performed 80% of the cases while the remaining was performed by a senior registrar. The year 2 registrars from surgery and Obstetrics & Gyneacology assisted in most cases.
Conclusion: Outpatient flexible urethrocystoscopy has positively improved endourological services in this centre with less invasive anesthesia, less morbidity and improved patient satisfaction. It has also enhanced training of residents doctors in lower urinary tract endoscopy.
Keywords: Endourology, Flexible urethrocystoscopy, Resident training, Ilorin, Nigeria.