Department of Ophthalmology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.
Grant support: None
Conflict of Interest: None
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Background: Retinal diseases are an important and common cause of ophthalmic consultation.
Aim: To determine the pattern of retinal diseases in the ophthalmic department of a tertiary hospital in Southern Nigeria.
Patients and Methods: A retrospective review of the case folders of patients with retinal pathologies seen between 2012 and 2013 was performed. Relevant demographic and clinical data was recorded. Analysis was performed for frequencies, proportions and percentages with the GraphPad Instat Software, Inc. version V2.05a program, San Diego, CA.
Results: There were 185 patients made of 94 (50.8%) males and 91 (49.2%) females with a peak age group of 61-70 years, (range 1-85 years) who made consultations for retinal diseases. Age related macular degeneration, 37(15.0%), and macula hole, 10(4.0%), were the common macula pathologies while retinal detachment, 11(4.5%), was the most common condition that required emergency vitreo-retinal surgical intervention. Diabetic retinopathy/maculopathy, 31(12.6%), hypertensive retinopathy 22(8.9%), and retinal vascular occlusion 12(4.8%), were the common retinal vascular diseases found.
Bilateral visual impairment (low vision and blindness) from retinal diseases was present in 28(14.4%) persons. The common vitreo-retinal treatment options were use of intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factors 32(13.0%), laser 16(6.5%), and vitreoretinal surgery in 22(8.9%) eyes.
Conclusion: Retinal diseases remain an important cause of ophthalmic consultation and visual loss. Provision of facilities to manage these conditions will improve service delivery and quality of lives of affected patients.
Keywords: Retinal diseases, Retinal detachment, Age related macular degeneration, Diabetic retinopathy, Visual loss, Nigeria.
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